St Robert’s ANNUAL PARISH MEETING and the ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING (APCM) were last held during Morning Worship at 9.15am on Sunday May 26th, 2024
At the Annual Parish Meeting, two nominations were received for candidates to be elected as Churchwarden, and, consequently, at the Parish Meeting, Stuart Newsome (for the first time) and Joan Adams (for the fifth time) were elected, unopposed, to serve for the following year.
Churchwardens become ex-officio members of the PCC
Nominations were received for Carl Hopkins to be elected to the PCC for a second three-year term, and Ted Collings and Matt Hart for a first term. There being no further nominations, they were elected unopposed.
The Annual Report for 2023, including reports covering finance, fabric, electoral roll and Deanery Synod, was presented to the meeting; the Financial Statements for 2023 were received by the meeting and a vote of thanks recorded for Anita Hawker our Treasurer and the external examiner – Jo Thompson – who was re-appointed to act for 2024. Click here for details of the Annual Report