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Wedding Readings
You will need to discuss the music you would like to have with the Director of Music and/or the organist.
Here is a selection of music regularly played and sung at weddings in our Church.
Entrance of the Bride
Bridal March (Richard Wagner)
Prince of Denmark’s March (Jeremiah Clarke)
Arrival of the Queen of Sheba (George Frederick Handel)
Crown Imperial March (William Walton)
Trumpet Tune (Henry Purcell)
Leaving the Church
Wedding March (Felix Mendelssohn)
Toccata from 5th Symphony (Charles-Marie Widor)
Prince of Denmark’s March (Jeremiah Clarke)
Trumpet Tune (Henry Purcell)
Organ Symphony (Camille Saint-Saens)
Anthems at the signing of the Register (or a sung blessing at the end of the service as well)
A Gaelic blessing (John Rutter)
Ave Maria (Philip Stopford)
Ave verum corpus (Wolfgang A. Mozart)
Brother James’ air (The Lord’s my shepherd) (arr. Gordon Jacob)
A Clare benediction (John Rutter)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Hubert Parry)
Irish blessing (Bob Chilcott)
Jesu, joy of man’s desiring (J.S. Bach)
Jesu, joyaunce of my heart (J.S. Bach)
Panis angelicus (César Franck)
Take this moment (John Bell)
The Lord bless you and keep you (John Rutter)
The Lord bless you and keep you (Peter Lutkin)
All things bright and beautiful (need to decide which tune, there are two)
And did those feet in ancient time (‘Jerusalem’)
Be thou my vision
Brother, sister, let me serve you
Come down, O love divine
Christ triumphant, ever reigning
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
From heaven you came (Servant King)
God, in the planning and purpose of life (‘Slane’ tune)
Guide me O thou great Redeemer
In Christ alone
Lead us heavenly Father
Lord, for the years
Lord Jesus Christ
Lord of all hopefulness
Love divine all loves excelling (need to decide which tune, there are two)
Make me a channel of your peace
Now thank we all our God
O praise ye the Lord
Praise my soul the king of heaven
Praise the Lord ye heavens adore him
Tell out my soul
The king of love my shepherd is
Book a wedding with us
View a sample order of service
Wedding flower arrangements
Wedding Readings