Electoral Roll
The Church Electoral Roll is a register of those over 16 years of age who attend St Robert’s Church regularly. It is updated on an ongoing basis as people apply to be registered.
It is totally different from the civil, public electoral roll – you need to be on the Church Electoral Roll in order to vote at the Annual Parochial Church meeting (APCM) or hold an official Church post – e.g. Churchwarden, PCC member.
In 2019, a new Electoral Roll was drawn up from scratch…..so even if you had been on the previous roll, you had to complete a new application form. The next new Roll will be drawn up in 2025. The Roll is reviewed and updated regularly and presented to the APCM each year; registration forms are available from the office or Dianne Butterfield the Electoral Roll Officer dianne1312@btinternet.com ….or, if you prefer, you can download an Electoral Roll form, which can be printed out and completed manually or completed on screen. Instructions for completing and submission are included with the form.